Monday, August 4, 2014


THE PURGE: ANARCHY  3*** for its Genre (violent shasher type)

         There are some movie franchises that surprise the viewer by creating a better sequel then the original. This does not happen often but when it does it is quite enjoyable, especially when original was rather poorly done.. The original "Purge" had a great premise but somehow in casting a well known Hollywood lead like Ethan Hawke, though solid in his role,  nonetheless ruined the illusion of reality and delivered a standard 'family entrapped in the house needs to defend itself form intruders' type Hollywood scenario which has been done much better by other movies.

I was  quite surprised by "
The Purge: Anarchy" one of the better movies of its genre lately (sort of a slasher type thriller)! This sequel picks up 1 year after the first purge and focuses on the stories of 5 individuals whose paths intertwine on the most horrible night of the year.    
Same concept as in the original: a radical “new” America creates one night a year, where for 12 hours (7 pm to 7 am) all crime - including murder - is legal . A man  heads out into the chaos of the down town streets of L.A, intent on seeking revenge for a reason not revealed until late in the film.  But early on he ends  up rescuing a stranded couple  as well as
A mother and her daughter  in need of help. There is also a side story line that focuses on the  buildup of a resistance group that  knows that the true propose of the purge is to kill off the poor to control over population, while allowing the rich people to celebrate the purge by buying poor people and murdering them in ritualistic fashion . There is a lot of graphic chaotic violence here to the point that the intensity of it may cause you to look away at times. .The idea of casting relative unknown actors this time around paid off big time.  

You will like "Purge: Anarchy" if you like a smart, rough and sometimes graphically violent movie which this is.

Rated R for strong disturbing violence, and for language



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