Enough Said
is an enjoyable romantic comedy. .Julia Louis-Dreyfus is Eva, a divorced
massage therapist. James Gandolfini is Albert, also divorced, who meets Eva at
a party. The chemistry seems to be there, and both Eva and Albert start slowly
falling in love. However, "The course of true love almost never runs
smoothly." Naturally, there are complications. (No complications = no
plot.) Both Albert and Eva have daughters who are leaving shortly for college.
There's another sub-plot involving a friend of Eva's daughter, who is bonding
with Eva, just as Eva's daughter isn't bonding. However, the main bump in the
road to romance is that Eva has a new friend and, by a very bad
coincidence, the friend is Albert's divorced wife. So, Eva is playing a double
game--dating Albert and hearing from the Ex all the annoying things about
Albert that made her leave him. That can’t help but cause trouble and, of
course, it does. You'll have to see the movie to find out what happens next.
"It's complicated."
My wife and I really enjoyed this film because it was well crafted, funny, and very well acted. Julia Louis-Dreyfus can act beyond her role in Seinfeld as does James Gandolfini act beyond his role in The Sopranos. Of course, there's a melancholy cloud over the film, because we know that Gandolfini died soon after the movie was completed. Still, it's a pleasure to see two likable, talented actors making each other laugh, and making us laugh with them.
My wife and I really enjoyed this film because it was well crafted, funny, and very well acted. Julia Louis-Dreyfus can act beyond her role in Seinfeld as does James Gandolfini act beyond his role in The Sopranos. Of course, there's a melancholy cloud over the film, because we know that Gandolfini died soon after the movie was completed. Still, it's a pleasure to see two likable, talented actors making each other laugh, and making us laugh with them.
Enough Said is a small film about small
people with good intentions but failed dreams. The universal application to the
audience is clear and comfortable. It is a gentle story that urges everyone to
keep searching for love although it may come when you least expect it.
And don't expect it to be perfect. Like Albert, you'll always need to lose
weight, even if it's just emotional baggage.
The film will work well on DVD. So if you
miss it in theaters, be sure to see it on the small screen.
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