Saturday, May 25, 2013



        Star Trek Into Darkness” should be renamedStar Trek In Name Only”. What has always distinguished Star Trek from other sci-fi is the thoughtful way that philosophical and sociological commentary was woven into the stories. The true Star Trek movie is not just a lot of sci-fi nonsense but a meaningful exploration of what it means to be human. In the past, Star Trek has been intelligent and character driven. Now it is all fancy CGI and snappy one-liners. Director Abram's Star Trek is an action-for-action's sake Kirk and Spock buddy flick. His preference for violence and political intrigue makes Abrams' vision more Star Wars than Star Trek.



' "Star Trek Into Darkness" bursts onto the screen, guns blazing. It's a flashy, loud, sensory barrage that never lets up. . Sometimes this  works, other times it doesn't. I kept hoping for the quieter scenes just for a break from the run-run-run of Abrams' constantly moving cameras. But then we're left to focus on the script. And the writers  might have had something new and different if they weren't so obsessed with "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan". It looms large over everything in this movie. Every redone line, every recycled plot point, they're all reminders that this movie could  been a much better Star Trek movie, instead of a  remix the of the original Khan movie.


It's not all bad. Although the original cast and many nostalgic and closed-minded fans might claim that no actors can equal the originals, in  my opinion, this is not true. Chris Pine's version of Kirk is much more diversified, down-to-earth and human than what I recall from the originals. Zachary Quinto's role of Spock is simply incredible and his acting is simply outstanding throughout the entire movie. Benedict Cumberbatch is an incredible, intense villain and the film is worth seeing for his performance as Khan.. Add to this a brilliant over-the-top incarnation of Scotty by Simon Pegg. Even the secondary roles were  well cast . They all did a very good job which hasn't always been the case in the past.

There's nothing wrong with the acting, music, or look of this film... just a lot wrong with the script and the tone of the whole thing. If you're not a Star Trek fan, you'll likely enjoy it... it's big, over-the-top, popcorn action movie. But if you are a Trek fan, particularly one who enjoys the quieter explorations of the human condition then you might be disappointed.


3.0*** out of 4***

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