Initially the movie focuses on one man
, Steve Carell, who is alone. His wife left him early on when news of the forth
coming disaster first broke The story focuses on him to see how he copes
or not….. he's the one "seeking a friend for the end of the
world" He's about as laid back & in control as U could find ... a very
different look & persona for Carell who is often way over the top.
By accident he is throw in with Keira Knightly who
lives is in the same apartment building & is just
breaking up with an annoying clinging boyfriend. Carell and Knightly
unexpectedly (a scary riot erupts in their neighborhood) have to flee
together in her car in what becomes a road trip where each hopes to find
their end of the world someone. What ensues is rather fascinating... A road
trip where surprises are plentiful & discovery is meaningful.
It sounds like a familiar journey from another movie?
Well, "Seeking A Friend For The End of the World" takes you in one
direction you think you're going, and then often makes a sharp turn when you
least expect it. The movie is also funnier than the premise suggest and has
some startling moments I never saw coming nor expected, and keeps you watching
for many reasons.
There are other things you wonder while watching this
movie. Most notably, is the world really going to end? Everyone in this movie
seems to think so. While it's fascinating to see how different characters react
to the news, you keep watching because you want to see if it really does. It
can't be a dream or a delusion, can it?
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