Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BABIES 3.0****
“Babies” films the lives of four children, from four different countries ( Africa, Mongolia, Japan and the United States ), born into different economic classes, but each experiencing the same trials and tribulations that the first year of life brings with it. From birth to the joyous moments when they first sit-up, crawl, stand, walk, and eventually run, we see that while these babies may be raised in dramatically different environments and conditions, their stories are shared global experiences. Toys are played with, animals poked and loved. The parents teach, scold, nourish, and love these children. The film delivers an overwhelming sense of joy and hope in a world of filled with fear and division. This is a breath of fresh air. A joyous, heartwarming tale, that will have you cheering at the simple feat of standing up under your own power.

Surprisingly there is no narrative or subtitles. Even more surprising, it works without it… it just that some things are understood in all languages. “Babies” shows how beautiful, terrifying, and often hilarious the first year of life is, no matter where you are born. The movie literally puts you alongside these children, through all of the ups and downs, joys and frustrations that life presents. It is a beautifully shot, touching film looking at a time in our life that we will never, ever remember on our own.

Why are all babies so cute? Why is the first word in any language appear to be "mama"? Why are the animals so ambivalent and nonthreatening to the babies? Why are moms so naturally tender with their little ones. It’s all there to take in.

So, if you have or have had kids, you’ll enjoy remembering. If you are going to have kids, this will be a “ learner”. If you will never have kids, this will be a pleasant revelation.

This has already played out at most theatres and didn’t have much of a run to begin with being an independent film. But find it on TV or rent it…relive that first year of life.


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