Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"The Proposal" 3.5***

THE PROPOSAL 3.5*** I’ve just seen this movie and wanted to do the review while I was still in the “feel good” mood generated by this movie. Sometimes everything comes together with a movie…a well-written story, just right direction, a right-on musical score, great film locations and, of course, actors performing at the top of their game. …when this happens, it’s a magical experience and a rare one at that. Such is the case here which is even more surprising when you take into account their gamble in taking a well-worn story premise that has been done dozens of times, and then actually succeed in making it fresh and delightful.

The Premise: Margaret Tate (A wonderful Sandra Bullock) is a very successful, hard driving “Devil Wears Prada” type executive and Andrew Paxton ( a superb Ryan Reynolds) is her put-upon, do-anything-for-her Admin Asst. She is Canadian and is about to be deported when she makes a deal with Andrew. He agrees to marry her so she can stay in NYC provided she gives him a job promotion and goes to Alaska with him to meet his family. They really don’t like each other… really…and, besides, this is supposed to be just a business deal …but then ????. But, enough about the story and what happens…the rest you must see for yourself.

I must confess I kept waiting for this movie to crash and burn, and there were so many opportunities, but to my surprise and delight it did not…rather it continued to get better. Credit goes to the entire cast, crew and the excellent director, Anne Fletcher. But special recognition is due Sandra Bullock for a masterful performance…you really must pay careful attention to her non-verbal acting..her facial expressions, her body language..she can and does it all. Then there is Ryan Reynolds who has quickly become one of my favorites (“Definitely, Maybe”; “Just Friends” and “Van Wilder”)…and there is no one… simply NO one who could have played this role as well as he does…he absolutely nails it. Last, but not least is the “Golden Girl’ Betty White, as Andrew’s grandmother, who steals every scene she’s in..she’s the consummate master of her craft..especially in a role made for her extraordinary talents.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and highly recommend it . it’s a great date movie for young and old…in fact, it’s a great movie for one and all. A “must see” especially if you like “feel good” movies.

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