Saturday, May 23, 2009

MY BLOODY VALENTINE 3D 3.0*** ( for its genre) “My Bloody Valentine” is one of those really rare kinds of horror flicks. It delivers buckets of gore, fast pacing, and a lot of in your face 3D which may be the best I’ve seen outside I-MAX.. Brutality reigns in king size portions, sure to satisfy the most hardcore of horror fans. There are hearts ripped out, jaws ripped off, and eyes gouged out. The film-makers also went to considerable lengths to come up with some of the most unique and fun scenes to grace or , better yet, to gore the big screen in some time….from a midget being done in to watching a semi-hot naked (fully and frontally) chick being highly pleasured and then running around and trying to hide from the killer for a full 5 minutes until…and a dirt bag truck driver getting what’s coming to him….and these are only a few of a multitude of extreme expirations mostly by pick axe..the weapon of skillful choice.
Perhaps most importantly though, the film makers were aware of what it what it was they were making. At its core, it’s a cheesy mindless slasher film, and rather than try to overcome this, “My Bloody Valentine” acknowledges this trait and works with it. It owns it. Never does it get bogged down trying to patch together an airtight story or worry about believability.. It just keeps its unrelenting pace up from start to finish, and delivers what the audience came out to see… gratuitous violence.

A film like this is quite refreshing for the genre, not because it is artful by any means, but because it embraces its inherent trashiness. By deliberately not taking itself seriously, “My Bloody Valentine” becomes something more than its peers can ever be. It becomes fun in the same way that a demolition derby is fun. Take my advice. First, you absolutely must see this thing on the big screen through 3D glasses even though you have to pay an extra $3.00 for them. And, second, enjoy it for what it is and don't worry about it having any socially redeeming value . This is escapism at its mindless best.

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